

Jun 15, 2023

Golden Retriever Assuming Newborn's Nursery is for Him Delights Internet

Some people believe that dogs and babies do not mix, but others disagree. One parent-to-be that is getting her pet involved in the baby preparations is the owner of Kobe the golden retriever.

In a video posted to @airbudkobe, viewed over 100,000 times, Kobe can be seen relaxing in an armchair in a brand-new nursery. The room is complete with a plaque reading "baby sister 07.20.23" and a framed picture of Kobe. "When the dog thinks you built the whole nursery just for him," reads the text.

"We have been working on the nursery since about March of this year," Danielle Vanos, Kobe's owner, told Newsweek, "Kobe 'helped' us paint the accent wall and build the furniture. We are due the 20 July so only two weeks to go, it's very exciting!"

It looks like Kobe will adjust quickly to having a new baby around, but for unsure dog owners and prospective parents, there is a lot of advice out there. As you start to prepare for a baby, your dog will notice the changes that are being made around the house and in their world. "As your pregnancy progresses, everything about you starts to morph, from your gait to your hormones to your routine. New furniture shows up. Rooms get rearranged. Your anxiety level peaks," reports the American Kennel Club (AKC) on its website.

Dogs are very intuitive and pick up on body language and pheromones. "If you are anxious and worried about your dog's reaction to the baby, you may inadvertently be encouraging that anxiety," says the AKC. "Try to find a happy medium between vigilance and stress. Practice feeling it. Practice breathing normally and not holding your breath when the two are in the room together."

"We hired a private trainer to give us some tips to prepare Kobe for baby," explained Vanos. "We have been working on his place stay command and we even had a few babies come over to practice last week and he did amazing! Kobe has been spending tons of time in the nursery while I fold and organize clothes, build furniture, and decorate.

"He likes to steal baby clothes when I'm not looking. Kobe has a goofy personality and he loves to steal whatever he can get his paws on. He keeps life interesting! We can't wait until his baby sister grows up and they can be partners in crime."

Once the baby is born, take little steps to introduce your dog. Plan out supervised interactions and "try to create tiny successes and build from there. Talk to your vet about ways to support your dog through anxiety," recommends the AKC.

Your dog's crate is also a useful tool when acclimatizing your pet to the new arrival. "Your dog's crate should be their sanctuary, a space that is just theirs (and ideally off-limits to kids)," says the AKC. "If you have babysitters, nannies, or visiting relatives who take on dog care as part of their household helping, you can't rely on them to be as vigilant as you would be. In those cases, a snap-lock on the crate with a note – "Do not let out!" – reminds them in your absence."

Users in the comments loved the sweet video, with one writing: "Loving this nursery, and Kobe's pose."

"Baby sister is about to be my bday twin. Kobe living his best life," commented another.

"Omg [oh my god] love the nursery and Kobe. Kobe looks like he's thinking this is new room," wrote a third.

Update 7/7/23, 3:52 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with comment from Danielle Vanos and new pictures and video.

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Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.